Nm-80wp turbojet engine is a turbojet engine composed of a single stage centrifugal compressor and an axial flow turbine, which has strong anti-overload and distortion ability. It has three starting modes: motor driven rotation, air blowing and gunpowder impact. At present, it is used in large mobile target aircraft, and can be used in missile power after improvement.
Technical parameter for 80kg Thrust Turbojet Engine
Model NM-80WP
Type: centrifugal compressor, axial turbine
Dimensions: φ230mm x 670mm
Body weight: ≯ 13kg
Maximum thrust: ≮80daN
Fuel consumption rate: ≯1.6kg/(daN.h)
Maximum use height: 9000m
Maximum use speed: 0.8Ma
Anti-overload: 6g
Operating temperature: -40°C~55°C
Working life: ≮20h