The CH-4 UAV is specifically designed for high-altitude missions over land and sea, and can fire its weapon from up to 5,000 meters. The CH-4 UAV also “has a retractable electro-optical sensor turret, and a datalink back to the ground control station. The CH-4 UAV also boasts a modern, two person control station to fly the drone remotely, with provisions for both line of sight and satellite communications.
There are two versions, the CH-4A and CH-4B. The CH-4A is a reconnaissance drone (capable of a 3500–5000 km range and a 30- to 40-hour endurance) while the CH-4B is a mixed attack and reconnaissance system with provisions for 6 weapons and a payload of up to 250 to 345 kg.
CH-4 Drone is capable of firing air-to-ground missile from altitude of 5,000 meters (~16,400 feet), therefore the aircraft can stay outside of effective range of most anti-aircraft guns. It also allows CH-4 UAVto be able to fire from a position that provides wider viewing area.
Year: 2014
Status: Active, In-Service
Manufacturer(s): China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) - China
Production: 500
Capabilities: Ground Attack; Reconnaissance (RECCE); Unmanned;
Crew: 0
Length: 36.09 ft (11 m)
Width: 65.62 ft (20 m)
Height: 12.47 ft (3.8 m)
Weight (Empty): 3,527 lb (1,600 kg)
Weight (MTOW): 9,921 lb (4,500 kg)
Power: 1 x Conventional engine developing an estimated 900 horsepower and driving three-bladed propelled in pusher arrangement.
Speed: 217 mph (350 kph; 189 kts)
Ceiling: 47,375 feet (14,440 m; 8.97 miles)
Range: 1,709 miles (2,750 km; 1,485 nm)
Chinese CH-4 UAV arrives in Surabaya for demonstration flight
IHS Jane's 360-2019年8月30日
A single Chinese-made CH-4 medium-altitude, long endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has arrived in Indonesia for ...
Ini Spesifikasi Drone CH-4 yang Digunakan TNI AU
Cek Fakta Tempo-2019年9月17日
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Drone CH-4 Rainbow yang dimiliki TNI Angkatan Udara adalah pesawat tempur tak berawak (UCAV) asal Cina. Drone ...
Drone Tempur : Ternyata Indonesia Punya CH-4, Ini ...年9月16日, JAKARTA – Serangan drone yang diduga dilakukan gerilyawan Houthi terhadap fasilitas minyak milik Aramco, Saudi Arabia, ...
TNI AU Punya Drone CH4, Bisa Mengebom dari Ketinggian 4 ...
China steals US designs for new weapons, and it's getting ...
Business Insider-2019年9月24日
US officials have repeatedly warned about China's increasingly sophisticated military technology and about China's habit of lifting that technology from ...
Drone Tempur Male CH-4 Akan Unjuk Kebolehan dalam ...
SITUBONDO – Drone tempur jenis medium altitude long endurance chang hong-4 (MALE CH-4) akan unjuk kebolehan dalam puncak latihan ...
Wiranto Apresiasi Kemampuan TNI Hancurkan Musuh dalam ...
Indonesia tries out Chinese CH-4B drones
Shephard Media-2019年9月19日
This was the first time for the TNI-AU to attempt integrating the CH-4, examples of which it obtained from the China Aerospace Science and ...
Guerre des drones dans le monde arabe : le futur, c'est ...年9月23日
Sans drone, les Yéménites n'auraient pas pu frapper aussi ..... L'Algérie dispose aussi de drones chinois d'attaque CH-4 et CH-3 et de drones ...
One Nation Is Selling Off Its Chinese Combat Drones
The National Interest Online (blog)-2019年6月5日
Based on customers' experience deploying the CH-4, drone-maker China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation developed the ...
Cofounder Rebekah Neumann is reportedly giving up her ...
Business Insider India-2019年9月24日
... like US systems - the F-22 and the MQ-9 Reaper drone among them. ... the CH-4 and CH-5, look unmistakably like US MQ-9 Reaper drones.
Chinese 'Killer' Drones Are Falling Out of Style in the Middle ...
The National Interest Online (blog)-2019年8月8日
China's CH-4 killer drone appears to be falling out of favor with some ... The Iraqi air force is down to just one operational CH-4 out of a fleet of .
Pictures - Videos
CH-4 drone Production workshop