The CM-501 series loitering munition is an indirect targeting precision strike system. That is, it does not need to
lock the target directly, using external instructions to launch an attack on the target. This loitering munition is
very flexible, can be installed in the attack helicopter above, can also be installed in the ground vehicles, light
ships above. The attack helicopter also does not need to aim directly at the target, which means it does not
need to be exposed to the enemy's air defense system. Instead, it can hide behind mountains or buildings,
launch missiles, and attack the target covertly, improving the probability of success and survival of the attack.
CM - 501 series loitering munition, including a variety of models, including the CM - 501G, CM - 501GA 、
CM - 501V 、CM-501XA/CM-501X four loitering munition are used to make string than wing in order to
obtain larger lift, improve the lift-to-drag ratio to increase the range, the difference is that the CM - 501GA can
hit the ground targets, not only can also attack slow air targets, CM - 501V using radar guidance, detecting
ability is stronger, all-weather combat is higher. The CM-501G has a maximum range of over 70km. But the
CM-501G weighs a lot, about 150 kilograms. Pretty small for a fixed-wing aircraft and big for a gunship. But the
main reason the CM-501G weighs so much is that it carries a 40kg warhead. The CM-501XA loitering munition
has a long range. It adopts a single wing with a large aspect ratio and a rectangular projectile body, which can
not only improve the lift-drag ratio of the whole projectile and increase the range, but also realize the modular
load, which can be either the detection system or the warhead. The CM-501XA is capable of staying in a
combat zone for up to 30 minutes at a control radius of 60 km, monitoring the battle zone for extended
periods of time and responding to calls to strike time-sensitive targets, such as mobile air defense systems.
The CM-501XA loitering munition is 2 meters long and has a cylindrical structure on the head. The rear part of
the projectile has a square section (230×230 mm). It has two pop-up wings and weighs over 100 kg. It is
equipped with 8.5 kg. Small high rupture disc warhead. It is reported that the loitering munition has more than
30 minutes of endurance and can strike more than 70 kilometers of stationary and moving targets. After the
launch, the loitering munition will continue to hover over the battlefield, and when it finds the target or receives
an attack command to launch an attack, it has the advantages of both the missile and the drone. The loitering
munitions are on standby in the battlefield, causing great deterrents and threats to enemy ground targets.