CTF-9 turbofan engine (TRDD-50 A turbofan engine) is an engine with the thrust of 400kg and dual rotors turbofan independently developed by China, which is used for small high-speed UAV. With the outstanding characteristics of high performance and compact structure, the engine is equipped with advanced electrical, control and health management, and can meet the power needs of small UAV with high elevation and large range.
Main performance indicators
Ceiling: 12.5km
Flying Mach number: 0~0.9
Maximum take-off thrust of engine: ≥400kgf (H=0, Ma=0, ISA)
Engine fuel rate: ≤0.65kg/ (kgf. h) (H=0, Ma=0, 1SA)
Engine inlet diameter/outer diameter: 279mm/330mm
Engine length: ≤855mm
Weight: ≤82kg (body net weight)
Cycle of the first restoration :500h
Power supply capacity :8kW