
XBT/XTD/XCTD Expendable Profiling System

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The expendable profiling system XBD/XTD/XCTD manufactured by Longeron Marine is the state-of-art system. which collect highly accurate real-time oceanographic data from the sailing ships. XTD (expendable Temperature Depth) probe is for water temperature VS. depth measurements and XCTD(expendable Conductivity Temperature Depth) probe is for both water temperature and salt content VS. depth measurements. The system include the launcher, data acquisition unit, and probe. During the navigational state of the ship, the operator releases probe into the sea water by a manual launcher or an automatic launcher, then the probe collects the temperature. (conductivity), depth data of the sea water with temperature sensor, (conductivity sensor), pressure sensor in a real time while dropping. Where the probe drops, the probe completes the analog-to-digital conversion in-situ to generate digital signals, and transmitted by the cable between probe and launcher, uploaded to data acquisition unit. When the probe reaches its maximum dropping depth, the cable break and a temperature (conductivity or salinity) profile is finished.

What is the outstanding characteristics?
  • Acquire high precision temperature data with high precision and fast-response temperature sensor
  • Acquire true depth data with high precision pressure sensor
  • Acquire salinity data with a high-precision conductivity sensor
  • High sampling rate with full digital high-speed transmission
  • Multi-point calibration of sensor,5-point for temperature sensor,6-point for conductivity sensor,3-point for pressure sensor to ensure quality and reliability
  • Ultra low power design to guarantee more than 4 years standby time
  • Simply design,easy installation and placement
  • With real-time data display,playback,storage function
what is the differences from the others?
The whole system firstly involved digital communication,the build-in pressure sensor,ultra-low power consumption circuit, which contribute a lot for the technical performance,with 26patents and software copyrights.
  • ln situ analog-to-digital conversion of data for real-time acquisition,transmission,and display more efficiently
  • Direct pressure measurement to obtain the true depth data and make the temperature
  • and salinity profile more reliable
  • High sampling rate,high precision,low distortion
  • Higher accuracy of thermocline observation
What is the applications?
  • Marine Environmental Survey and Physical Oceanography
  • Investigation of Marine Acoustic Field Environment
  • Real-time Sound Speed Correction for Sonar Equipment

Probe consists of temperature sensor, conductivity sensor (for XCTD), and pressure sensor., communication cable, and a suitable structure for dropping. Variety type of probes meet the end user requirements well.
XBT/XTD/XCTD Expendable Profiling System
XBT/XTD/XCTD Expendable Profiling System

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